For those who have trouble discerning
between Canadians and Americans, here's a difference you can't miss:
how election campaigns are run.
The American campaigns ahead of party
primaries to determine who will become the standard-bearer in the
presidential run are like reality TV. Canadian campaigns to form
Parliament are designed to be ... boring.
Both are geared to ensure known party
stalwarts get out to vote. In America, that is done by whipping up a
frenzy on the extreme wings (where the people who vote in large
numbers reside). In Canada, the strategy is to nudge core supporters
toward the polls, while making sure everyone else has fallen asleep
in front of their TV screens.
For our respective nations, both
strategies work.
In Canada, candidates for the highest
office in the land hire (using tax dollars) highly paid staff to
ensure no media gets clear access to the candidate. All policy
announcements are carefully crafted into packages released as talking
points for a whistle stop somewhere, with only selected questions
allowed, all of which must be easily ducked and dissembled before the
next whistle stop. Repeat, ad nauseum.
In the U.S., political teams plot
timelines to get their boss on the air with journalists for a half
hour or more of intensive one-on-one. In their game, the more time
and the more valued the interviewer, the more points awarded the
candidate. If the candidate ends up in a fight with a media
personality, so much the better, because that's how you get the
actual voting lunatic fringe behind you.
That's how you get Donald Trump. And
his impersonators.
That's how you get Wisconsin governor
Scott Walker — who wants to be the Republican candidate for
president — to say that building a wall between Canada and the U.S.
is “a legitimate issue for us to look at.” On a national network
news program.
Because, you know, the fringe loonies
still believe the 9/11 terrorists came in through Canada. And these
are the people who will pack the floor at the various primaries, and
vote. Rational people, who would be appalled that a person could say
that and then actually run for president will stay far, far away.
The Canada/U.S. Wall is purely a media
issue. Because American candidates actually meet the press, they will
be forced to answer such stupid questions. But as we have found, the
candidates — even a respected moderate like Scott Walker — will
not call the question of a Wall thousands of kilometres long stupid.
That's why the question isn't actually
stupid, though. The question is being asked in counterpoint to Donald
Trump's assertion that he will build a wall between the U.S. and
Mexico, and send Mexico the bill. Say it often enough, and it becomes
“legitimate” in some people's minds.
The assertion is monumentally absurd,
though. It is itself a counterpoint to a stated plan to deport
undocumented aliens — along with their children born in the U.S.,
contrary to the U.S. Constitution.
Another plan — deemed “legitimate”
— would task the CEO of Federal Express to design a system that
will track the movement of illegal aliens like packages.
None of these things will ever happen.
Or we should pray they never do.
But serious politicians planning to
become president of the most powerful nation on Earth must avow
things like this are “legitimate issues for us to consider.”
Why? Because they want to win the
primaries. And in the Republican Party, the primaries are
overpopulated by irrational zealots who would not shy away from
invading Canada if they thought a teenage terrorist with a pocket
full of exploding doobies might emerge from here.
Contrast that with our Canadian
campaign. Top-of-mind issue? The deficit, or the surplus, whichever
way you want to hire an accountant to interpret things.
Either way, all proposed budget
deficits so far amount to less than a rounding error against the
total budget. Less than half a per cent of total spending. Likewise,
any proposed budget surplus. Rounding errors all.
So while Canadian political leaders
drone on about their respective managerial prowess in getting student
loan defaults down to something manageable, we get to
watch American candidates contemplate a space elevator from which
they can more cheaply deport illegal aliens to a colony on the moon.
That is what you do with aliens, isn't it?
We get to watch Donald Trump call a
supporter up from the crowd during a speech to tug on his hair,
proving once and for all that he isn't wearing a wig.
Imagine Justin Trudeau or Stephen
Harper doing that? Can't see it. Nice hair, though, for all of them.
Perhaps the job of a Canadian
journalist is to try to keep everyone awake until election day.
Since, in this election, we really have nothing else to do. After
all, we can't revoke people's citizenship like they want to do Down
South, or build walls to keep out terrorists and dirt-cheap labour.
Vive la différence.