Saturday, it became widely known that Alberta Human Services had
released its report, following a province-wide consultation on
poverty. By Monday, the government site hosting the report, titled
Albertans' Perspectives for a Social Policy Framework, had gone down.
When I called the department, I was assured IT staff would be
dispatched to get it running again.
are told the report is groundbreaking in scope, outlining the views
of 14,000 people who took part in creating it, plus another 350
people who contributed views on poverty in the Aboriginal population.
being able to immediately quote the report directly, it is still
commendable the province undertook to consult people in what is
called Canada's richest province. Because by no means is the wealth
of this province felt by everyone in it.
one of the reported strategies contained in the report, listed as
“levelling the playing field” should be of interest to all of us.
most recent Vital Signs report for Red Deer listed poverty, housing
and hunger as the Number One top-of-mind issue for the city. Nearly
one in five workers in Red Deer earns less than $12 an hour.
Alberta's higher cost of housing, it follows that a lot of families
are spending a higher portion of income on housing, leading to
cutbacks in other areas. This affects the federal Low Income Cutoff
(LICO) rates, which counts families whose regular daily expenses are
fully taken to simply get by month-to-month.
with children and older people on fixed incomes will always feel this
first. Vital Signs suggests about 17 per cent of Red Deer families
with children live below the LICO standard. The national LICO average
for all families is 10 per cent, according to the Conference Board of
Canada. That means families with children are almost doubly
represented among the ranks of the poor in Red Deer.
recent study by Edmonton's Social Planning Council (which,
thankfully, is available online) says poverty rates for families with
children in Alberta increased 40 per cent in the last recession.
Deer had its representatives in the provincial consultation, but this
was by no means the only regional effort into reducing poverty.
a couple weeks ago, Red Deer joined a national effort at poverty
reduction. On Jan. 24, the Central
Alberta Poverty Reduction Alliance (CAPRA) launched Red Deer as a
member of Vibrant Communities Canada: Cities Reducing Poverty. That
national association shares information and strategies, says a press
report, “to
reduce poverty through a systemic and universal approach.”
that means. This leads to my main complaint about these kinds of
knows, I've joined my share of them in the past as well. But if all
we get from all the hard work CAPRA will put into its mandate; for
all the years of study and investment from the Red Deer Community
Foundation to create the annual Vital Signs reports, if all we get
from this is more strategies and more statistics, nothing will be
the distance between the Alberta human services department (and
minister Dave Hancock) and the finance department (with minister Doug
too distant, I fear, for the strategies in the province's new social
policy framework to gain any real notice. Especially if the strategy
is not “Conservative.”
us suggest that one effective way to reduce poverty in Canada's
richest province would be to reduce the nation's highest provincial
gap between rich and poor. To "level the playing field."
If that is so, why does Alberta tax its lowest income bracket higher than most all other provinces in Canada?
has the lowest income tax rates in the industrialized world, but it's
most effective only at the top income scale. The poor in Alberta pay
more income taxes than the poor in Ontario, for instance.
that information leap the gap between the human services and finance
departments? Sorry, not this year. We'll work on accessibility,
dignity and inclusivity instead. We will strategize in systemic and
universal ways.
greatest product of the collision between government and poverty
has been statistics. Nobody is ever short of statistics. Or
reports, languishing in the ether of a failed government web site.
problem for all taxpayers, as noted in all the reports, is that failing
to act is far more costly than acting, even if the action ends up
being less than was hoped.
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