It seems everyone has a problem with
Canada's temporary foreign worker program. It's the most visible
federal employment program that satisfies almost nobody — even
government itself.
Well, besides the Canada Jobs Grant
program, I guess.
The rubber meets the road for most
Canadians through the temporary foreign worker program. That's where
government involvement in job placement becomes visible to most of
us, whatever side of the labour market we live on.
I'm no expert in national employment
planning, but like many Canadians, I do have direct contact with the
A few years ago, the house next door to
ours was purchased by a chap from London, England. He'd gotten his
construction work experience under water, on the huge crews building
the famous Channel Tunnel.
He arrived with good credentials, lots
of money, and a willingness to work. He could not get permanent
residence in Canada, and without that, no permanent job offers. So he
sold the house and moved home.
Another contact is a friend we made
while touring in Europe. This friend is an experienced agrologist working for the Swiss government. She came to Canada to
visit and immediately saw what almost all visitors to Canada see:
Opportunity, but no permission to come
here to build a career.
Earlier this year, I joined a labour
recruitment trip to Nepal, where almost all of the males I met were
desperate to get into Canada. That included the manager of a basement
“dance club” (who had a university degree in the hospitality
trade), and the owner/operator of our four-star hotel's gift shop.
Unfortunately for them, we were looking
for skilled trades for the Alberta oil patch. Perhaps, instead of
recruiting females to dance on a stage, and order drinks and food on
the visitors' tabs, if they could send their wives, sisters and
daughters to Canada to work as live-in nannies, the path to Canada
would be easier.
The weakness of the temporary foreign
worker program is that Canada doesn't need temporary workers at all;
we need permanent ones.
Dating back as far as 10 years and
clear back to the Wilfred Laurier era, I have been able to find
reports from government consultants and public think tanks suggesting
our population is far too small and far to spread over far too much
space, for Canada to achieve its potential as a nation.
Our talent pool is too small, our top
thinkers separated by too much geography, our business leaders too
thinly spaced, for the innovation needed for the future economy to be
That's why we still make our fortunes
as hewers of trees and miners of natural resources.
The vast majority of Canadians live
within a three- or four-hour drive of the U.S. border. Even so, if we
were to achieve half the population density of England, say, just on
that narrow populated strip, Canada would be home to about 200 million
Were that to be the case, the vast rest
of Canada would still be largely unpeopled, compared with the rest of
the industrialized world.
The thinkers who wrote all those
reports suggest Canada needs a population of 100 million, to achieve
the critical mass of thinkers, leaders and workers to make it
possible for the social programs of a modern nation — including
employment — to be able to work.
I'm no expert on that, either, but it
seems obvious that rotating skilled/semi-skilled people in and out of
Canada will not achieve our national goals.
Of all governments, Alberta seems to
understand that best. In Alberta (at least for skilled trades), the
way can be paved for a foreign worker to gain permanent residence
with 24 months of full-time employment.
Families can then be brought into
Canada, increasing the supply of labour of all types, and creating
consumer demand for everything else available. These are newcomers
who go where the jobs are available, and for whom our minimum wage
matches the median wage of many countries.
Canada simply needs more people, and
the temporary indentured labourers that must leave within months of
arriving do not provide the answer.
The hoops for skilled workers to gain
permanent resident status are too high. Semi- and unskilled jobs go
begging, because unemployed Canadians won't move 100 km for a job
that pays $13 an hour. But immigrants will — and be grateful for
the chance, for generations.
A program of closely-monitored job
sponsorship, with a guarantee that workers can move to another job
(and not be bound like indentured servants), seems preferable
to what we have now.
I don't understand why most governments
don't get that.