The issue of air travellers being
denied their contractual right to passage that they paid for — and
which has been approved right through the boarding process — has
been in the news a lot these days. As it should be.
I happen to have family travelling
abroad right now, and I'd like to see them arrive home safely and on
time, considering the rather hefty cash layout we made for their
tickets. So the issue is top-of-mind for me, too.
It's rather odd that journalists have
been so willing to accept the airlines' assertion that their policies
of overselling seats on air flights should be normal. For every story
of weeping passengers being pushed out the door of jetliners, we read
the obligatory paragraphs explaining that overselling is a normal
business practice, and that overall it helps keep ticket prices down.
That, of course, is pure baloney.
Every oversold seat has already been
paid for. And some of them twice. Where is the financial loss to the airline
when a fully-paid-for seat is left empty at the last minute because a
passenger hasn't shown up for their fight?
The airline already has its money, in
full. Unless there has been a cancellation within the rules of
issuing the ticket, the airline keeps it money. In fact, airline
profits would go through the roof if entire flights could take off
empty, with no fuel costs, baggage or service costs incurred
for actual passengers.
Do you see a disconnect here? If it is
mine, I'd like a real journalist to explain that to me. If it is not,
I can suggest the means for airlines to keep ticket prices low — or
even reduce them. By replacing the policy of bumping passengers, with
a policy of fully nonrefundable tickets.
Have you ever heard of people buying
tickets well in advance to a concert or theatre performance, who then
cannot attend for whatever reason — and then getting their money back?
If you can't transfer the tickets to someone else, you kiss your
money goodby. Happens all the time.
Airline tickets — for very good
reasons — are not transferable. They should also be absolutely
nonrefundable, except through an insurance policy, which pays the
cost for you, if you choose to pay extra for flight insurance.
That being the case, airlines are well
able to stop selling tickets to all flights the instant the last seat
is paid for. No refunds, no transfers. Nobody gets bumped.
An empty seat on a flight is therefore
just extra profit for the airline on that flight.
We all know that some people buy
tickets and don't show up for their flights. That's what standby
tickets are for. It's also what some genius earning a seven-figure
salary, plus bonuses, approved overbooking for.
Airlines don't want to expressly bump
you off a flight you paid for. But they do want to sell your seat on
the flight twice, ruin your travel plans — all for a time-limited
nontransferable voucher for a discount to do it all over again.
Why has no one called them on this?
This practice in any other industry would be called fraud, and court
cases would rightly ensue.
I would like to see proof that an empty
seat on an air flight represents a loss of income to the carrier. It
can't. The carrier already has their money, and if there is any cash
recovery to be made, it should be made to the passenger through an
insurance company.
An oversold seat is just
double-dipping. Full stop.
Canada already has some of the most
expensive airline tickets in the world, mile for mile. That's because
Canadian airport landing fees are among the highest in the world.
But there's no justification for
airlines to oversell their flights. Simply stop selling tickets the
moment the flight is fully booked — and paid for.
If mistakes are made and passengers
need to be bumped, each passenger should get his or her money back
and a free seat on the next available flight — by any airline — to their
destination, plus a cash incentive to volunteer to be bumped.
Cost of doing business.
It is amazing that people pay big money
to travel by air, and are expected to act like chumps at the poor
planning and poor customer service of airlines.
It is likewise amazing that we all are
expected to believe fraudulent double-dipping ticket sales should be
accepted as a normal business practice.